Effective Planning

The youth exchange took place in Mezobereny, Hungary, between the 1st to 9th  of August 2021. From each partner country were selected young participants aged 18-24 years old, were selected two participants/country with fewer opportunities to take part in the mobility. All the working methods were participatory and non-formal, with youths being guided in their learning process by group leaders and facilitators. The young people taking part in this youth exchange got familiar with storytelling, increased the ability of critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and boosted their self-confidence speaking in front of a public, improved their responsibility and productivity to time spent on digital devices, critical use of ICT.  

Objectives achieved

Improve responsibility and productivity in regards to the time spent on digital devices, and develop new skills in digital media for young participants from the partner countries. 

Increase career perspectives for our participants to create a context in which they can develop their skills to learn different aptitudes to use ICT.

Increase the partner’s capabilities in implementing Erasmus+ projects, to be able to help young people in addressing their contemporary issues.

Photo Gallery

Intercultural evenings

Participants developed their cultural expressions by exchanging between them traditions, costumes and aspects related to the lifestyle of the 5 countries represented in the mobility. 

Project’s video
